Load script for module #2.3

  1. Click here to download the script! Save the script to your working directory (R Project directory).

  2. Load your script in your RStudio Project. To do this, open your RStudio Project and click on the folder icon in the toolbar at the top and load your script.

Statistics in R!

R is a programming environment developed specifically for working with data and running statistical analyses! It seems about time to run some stats in R!

As in the previous submodule, we will primarily be working in base R instead of the tidyverse here. The tidyverse is great for preparing data for analysis, but the analyses themselves tend to occur outside of the tidyverse!

Load data

First, download the sculpin eggs data here and save this to your working directory.

# STATISTICS! ------------------

#  Load Data ------------------

sculpin.df <- read.csv("sculpineggs.csv")

## 1    14      61
## 2    17      37
## 3    24      65
## 4    25      69
## 5    27      54
## 6    33      93

Summary statistics

Let’s start by generating summary statistics, some of which are the same ones that are displayed by the “summary()” function. Most of the function names are pretty intuitive, like mean() and median():

# Summary Statistics ------------------

mean(sculpin.df$NUMEGGS)      # compute sample mean
## [1] 76.54545
median(sculpin.df$NUMEGGS)    # compute sample median
## [1] 87
min(sculpin.df$NUMEGGS)       # sample minimum
## [1] 37
max(sculpin.df$NUMEGGS)       # sample maximum
## [1] 100
range(sculpin.df$NUMEGGS)     # both min and max.
## [1]  37 100
quantile(sculpin.df$NUMEGGS,0.5)            # compute sample median using quantile function
## 50% 
##  87
quantile(sculpin.df$NUMEGGS,c(0.25,0.75))   # compute sample quartiles
##  25%  75% 
## 63.0 91.5
var(sculpin.df$NUMEGGS)           # sample variance
## [1] 418.8727
sd(sculpin.df$NUMEGGS)            # sample standard deviation
## [1] 20.46638
sd(sculpin.df$NUMEGGS)^2          # another way to compute variance
## [1] 418.8727
apply(sculpin.df,2,mean)       # column means of data frame 
## 30.36364 76.54545
apply(sculpin.df,2,median)     # column medians of data frame
##      33      87
# maybe you'd like to use some tidyverse functions instead:

sculpin.df %>% summarize(across(everything(),mean) ) 
## 1 30.36364 76.54545
# Or just use the "summary()" function!

summary(sculpin.df) # provides a set of summary statistics for all columns in a data frame. 
##      FEMWT          NUMEGGS      
##  Min.   :14.00   Min.   : 37.00  
##  1st Qu.:24.50   1st Qu.: 63.00  
##  Median :33.00   Median : 87.00  
##  Mean   :30.36   Mean   : 76.55  
##  3rd Qu.:38.50   3rd Qu.: 91.50  
##  Max.   :42.00   Max.   :100.00

If your data have missing values (coded as ‘NA’ in R), some statistical functions won’t work properly unless you specify an “na.rm=TRUE” argument (click here if you don’t already have the test dataset with missing values):

# Deal with missing data --------------

newdf <- read.table(file="data_missing.txt", sep="\t", header=T)  # load dataset with missing data

## [1] NA
mean(newdf$Export,na.rm = TRUE)
## [1] 10.22222

Visual exploration

Plots (see beginning of module) take data exploration to the next level- we can start to discern patterns and identify outliers visually, giving us cues for further analyses we might want to perform.

#  Plot data  (base R)
# hist(sculpin.df$NUMEGGS)
# plot(x = sculpin.df$FEMWT,y = sculpin.df$NUMEGGS)

#  Ggplot alternative:

ggplot(sculpin.df,aes(NUMEGGS)) + geom_histogram(bins=5)

ggplot(sculpin.df,aes(FEMWT,NUMEGGS)) + geom_point()

Linear Regression

The plot above suggests a fairly strong relationship between sculpin weight (“FEMWT”) and number of eggs (“NUMEGGS”). Let’s try to model this relationship!

Note the use of the generic “summary()” function below, which returns something very different when the input object is a linear model vs. when the input object is a data frame!

Also note the use of the “predict()” function, which not only allows you to use the model to make predictions, but also reports the uncertainty bounds on these predictions (via confidence or prediction intervals).

#  Linear Regression   -------------------

m1 <- lm(NUMEGGS ~ FEMWT, data=sculpin.df)      # fit linear regression model

summary(m1)                             # view model summary
## Call:
## lm(formula = NUMEGGS ~ FEMWT, data = sculpin.df)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -16.2556  -3.8700   0.3543   4.5448  15.0538 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)  19.7668    10.5497   1.874 0.093747 .  
## FEMWT         1.8700     0.3325   5.624 0.000324 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 10.15 on 9 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.7785, Adjusted R-squared:  0.7539 
## F-statistic: 31.63 on 1 and 9 DF,  p-value: 0.0003242
summary(m1)$r.squared                   # extract R-squared
## [1] 0.7784851
confint(m1)                             # confidence intervals for intercept and slope
##                 2.5 %    97.5 %
## (Intercept) -4.098376 43.632008
## FEMWT        1.117797  2.622113
AIC(m1)                                 # report AIC (Akaike's Information Criterion, used to perform model selection) 
## [1] 86.00155
plot(x = sculpin.df$FEMWT,y = sculpin.df$NUMEGGS)    # plot data
abline(m1)                                           # plot line of best fit

# Use the "predict()" function! --------------

nd <- data.frame(FEMWT = 30)                   # create new data frame to predict number of eggs at FEMWT of 30
predict(m1,newdata=nd)                         # make prediction
##        1 
## 75.86547
predict(m1,newdata=nd,interval="confidence")   # make prediction and get confidence interval
##        fit      lwr      upr
## 1 75.86547 68.93463 82.79631
predict(m1,newdata=nd,interval="prediction")   # make prediction and get prediction interval
##        fit      lwr      upr
## 1 75.86547 51.87347 99.85748

Model selection example

Sometimes we may be uncertain which model is “best”. In this case, we run a set of plausible models and compare these models using metrics of model fit and performance, like AIC (Akaike’s Information Criterion).

Note the use of the “I()” within the formula specification (i.e., the “[response] ~ [predictors]” statement). Using “I()” causes R to interpret what’s inside the parentheses literally (“as is”), instead of using R’s formula shorthands. For instance, you might try running a linear model (“lm()”) in the following two ways and see how the results differ!

Click here for more information on R’s formula notation.

#  Explore the use of the "I()" syntax to interpret mathematical expressions literally (as is) within formulas. 

mod_noI <- lm(NUMEGGS ~ FEMWT^2, data=sculpin.df)                  # fit linear regression model. But the "^2" doesn't seem to do anything here? What happened?

mod_withI <- lm(NUMEGGS ~ I(FEMWT^2), data=sculpin.df)                  # fit linear regression model

# try a model with a polynomial fit
mod_withpoly <- lm(NUMEGGS ~ poly(FEMWT,2),data=sculpin.df)

# try a log transformation on the response:

mod_logtrans <- lm(log(NUMEGGS) ~ FEMWT, data=sculpin.df) 

Below we perform AIC model selection and also visualize the differences between these alternative linear models.

A flexible method for visualizing the fit of alternative linear models involves overlaying predictions from each model (using the “predict()” function) on a basic scatterplot:

#  Model selection example -------------------

m1 <- lm(NUMEGGS ~ FEMWT, data=sculpin.df)                  # fit linear regression model

m2 <- lm(NUMEGGS ~ 1, data=sculpin.df)                      # fit linear regression with intercept only (null model)

m3 <- lm(NUMEGGS ~ poly(FEMWT,2), data=sculpin.df)           # fit polynomial regression
plot(NUMEGGS ~ FEMWT,data=sculpin.df)                      # plot data
abline(m1,col="black")                                     # plot line of best fit
abline(m2,col="red")                                       # plot intercept only model

# Use 'predict' to draw lines on scatterplot  -----------------
#  Here's a flexible method for drawing any arbitrary modeled relationship!
nd <- data.frame(FEMWT = seq(10,45,by=0.1))        # create new data frame to predict number of eggs from FEMWT of 10 to 45 by increments of 0.1
NUMEGGS.pred <- predict(m3,newdata=nd,interval="confidence")             # make prediction using "predict()" function
lines(nd$FEMWT,NUMEGGS.pred[,1],col="green")  # plot sqrt model (note the use of the "lines()" function to draw a line!)

# some of you might want to try recreating this plot using gglot!

# Perform model selection! -------------

#Compare models using AIC
## [1] 86.00155
## [1] 100.5815
## [1] 87.76849
# which model has the lowest AIC?

#  And finally, here's how you can draw a confidence interval or prediction interval around a non-linear regression relationship!

plot(NUMEGGS ~ FEMWT,data=sculpin.df)                      # plot data
NUMEGGS.confint <- predict(m3,newdata=nd,interval="confidence")             # use "predict()" function to compute the confidence interval!
lines(nd$FEMWT,NUMEGGS.confint[,"fit"],col="green",typ="l",lwd=2)  # plot fitted sqrt model
lines(nd$FEMWT,NUMEGGS.confint[,"lwr"],col="green",typ="l",lty=2)  # plot fitted sqrt model
lines(nd$FEMWT,NUMEGGS.confint[,"upr"],col="green",typ="l",lty=2)  # plot fitted sqrt model

# alternative using ggplot:
NUMEGGS.confint2 <- as_tibble(cbind(nd,NUMEGGS.confint))
ggplot() %>% +
  geom_point(data=sculpin.df,mapping=aes(FEMWT,NUMEGGS)) +
  geom_path(data=NUMEGGS.confint2,aes(x=FEMWT,y=fit)) +

Challenge exercises

  1. Fit a polynomial regression model with NUMEGGS as the response and poly(FEMWT,3) as the response. Plot the results by overlaying the regression line on a scatterplot using ggplot2. The results should look like this:

  1. Use the model you built in part 1 to predict the number of eggs for FEMWT=5. What is the 95% confidence interval around this prediction? Is this prediction biologically reasonable?
# CHALLENGE EXERCISES   -------------------------------------

#1. Fit a polynomial regression model with NUMEGGS as the response and `poly(FEMWT,3)` as the response. Plot the results by overlaying the regression line on a scatterplot using ggplot2.
#2. Use the model you built in part 1 to predict the number of eggs for FEMWT=5. What is the 95% confidence interval around this prediction? Is this prediction biologically reasonable?

–go to next submodule–