As with all lab reports, your answers will either take the form of R functions or short written responses (submitted together in a Word document). The R functions should be stored in an R script file (‘.R’ extension). To allow me to evaluate your work more efficiently, please name your R script using the following convention: "[your first name]_[your last name]_lab2.R“. So my submission would be”kevin_shoemaker_lab2.R". The name of your Word document doesn’t matter, as long as you submit via WebCampus.
Please submit the R script and the Word document via WebCampus by midnight on the due date (Oct. 5). You can work in groups but please submit the materials individually.
When writing functions, it’s often easiest to start off by writing a script, and then when you have everything working properly, wrap the script into a function. But don’t forget to test your function!
Please comment your code thoroughly. Don’t be afraid of for loops and inefficient coding practices… And of course be dangerous!
If you haven’t already, please list your final project information (project title, group members etc.) on our shared Google sheets document
First, review the basic approach to simulating data in the “Virtual Ecologist” lecture. Recall that a data simulation model can be constructed as a deterministic component (defining underlying relationships between the process of interest and a set of covariates), with a stochastic component wrapped around it (defining the “noise”, or “error” associated with each observation from the process of interest).
Simulate data that meet the standard assumptions of univariate linear regression (homoskedasticity, Gaussian/independent residual errors). Then run the “lm()” function on your simulated data and examine how closely the parameter estimates match the “true” parameter values.
You will find more detailed instructions on the next page!
Write a function called “LMDataSim()” for drawing a set of random observations from a data generating model that meets all the assumptions of ordinary linear regression. This function should be specified as follows:
Include your function in your submitted r script! Remember to only submit the function, and not any of the code you used to test your function!
You can use this “sandbox” (below) test your function!
LMDataSim <- function(sample.size,xlimits,coefs,stdev){
# [add code here!]
Hint: No hints … yet!
Test your function- for example, using the following code:
temp <- LMDataSim(sample.size=500,xlimits=c(-2,10),coefs=c(10,-0.21),stdev=.1)
Write a function called “LMVerify_pt1()” for computing how well the coefficients and residual variance from R’s “lm()” function match the known coefficients of the model used to generate the data. This function should be specified as follows:
Include your function in your submitted r script!
You can use this “sandbox” (below) to test your function! Remember to only submit the function, and not any of the code you used to test your function!
#simdat <- LMDataSim(sample.size=1000,xlimits=c(0,10),coefs=c(0,1),stdev=1)
LMVerify_pt1 <- function(sim.dataset,trueparams,plot=TRUE){
# [add code here!]
#LMVerify_pt1(sim.dataset = simdat, trueparams = c(0,1,1),plot=FALSE)
Hint: No hints … yet!
Test your function- for example, using the following code:
simdat <- LMDataSim(sample.size=10,xlimits=c(40,120),coefs=c(55,-0.09),stdev=6.8)
LMVerify_pt1(sim.dataset = simdat, trueparams = c(55,-0.09,6.8), plot=T)
## $trueparams
## [1] 55.00 -0.09 6.80
## $fittedparams
## intercept x stdev
## 49.73725729 -0.02587699 6.32059239
## $inside
## [1] TRUE
simdat2 <- LMDataSim(sample.size=100,xlimits=c(0,15),coefs=c(40,-2.2),stdev=1.8)
LMVerify_pt1(sim.dataset = simdat2, trueparams = c(40,-2.2,1.8), plot=T)
## $trueparams
## [1] 40.0 -2.2 1.8
## $fittedparams
## intercept x stdev
## 40.138860 -2.223604 1.917066
## $inside
## [1] TRUE
You can use the ‘predict’ function to compute confidence intervals and prediction intervals:
predict.lm(yourmodel, interval = c("confidence"), level = 0.95) # for confidence interval
predict.lm(yourmodel, interval = c("prediction"), level = 0.95) # for prediction interval
The predict function allows you to predict a response (and estimate confidence intervals) for any arbitrary covariate values. To do this you need to add a “newdata” argument to the predict function. For example:
nd <- data.frame(x=seq(lb,ub,1)) # note that the predictor names need to match the predictor names in the model object!
predict.lm(yourmodel, newdata=nd, interval = c("confidence"), level = 0.95) # for confidence interval
Note that the prediction interval code may occasionally return some warnings- which you may safely ignore!
Does the 90% confidence interval around the slope estimate (estimated from simulated data with a sample size of 10) contain the “true” slope parameter value 90% of the time (a frequentist question!). In your Word document, explain how you addressed this question. Did you need more than 100 simulated data sets to answer this question?
NOTE: The previous exercise requires the use of “conditional” statements. That is, if a condition is true, do something. If the condition is false, do something else. The syntax for doing this in R is:
do something
do something else
Let’s say I want to determine the number of vector elements that are cleanly divisible by 3. I could write the following code:
inputvector <- c(1:100) # vector of interest
div_by_three <- 0
for(i in 1:length(inputvector)){
if(i%%3==0){ # if there is zero remainder after dividing by three
div_by_three <- div_by_three+1 # then increment the storage variable
## [1] 33
An alternative way to do this would be to do use the “which()” function. This tells you which indices in a vector correspond to “TRUE” conditions.
For example,
## [1] 2 3
Using “which”, we could re-write the above code to take up just one line!
div_by_three <- length(which(inputvector%%3==0))
How might your results from part 2.1 change if your data simulations DID NOT meet the assumptions of ordinary linear regression- e.g., if the variances were not homogeneous?
To test this, you are asked to write an R function to generate data that violates a basic assumption regarding the error distribution of standard linear regression. Specifically, your function should generate “heteroskedastic” data, such that the variance of the residuals depends on the magnitude of the covariate “x”. For this exercise, you’ll still need to specify a linear relationship (y=ax+b) between your response and predictor - the only difference is that the residual variance is no longer homogeneous. To accomplish this, you need to specify a linear relationship for the variance as well- this linear relationship (y=ax+b) will describe how the magnitude of the residual error changes across the range of your predictor variable.
Some other potential violations of standard assumptions we could also introduce into our data simulations if we wanted to:
Write a function called “LMDataSim2()” for drawing a set of random observations from a defined linear relationship that meets all the assumptions of ordinary linear regression except for homoskedasticity. This function should be specified as follows:
NOTE: make sure that your linear model for stdev does not go negative - this will return “NaN” values (not a number!).
Include your function in your submitted r script!
You can use this “sandbox” (below) to test your function!
LMDataSim2 <- function(sample.size,xlimits,coefs,sd_coefs){
# [add code here!]
Hint: No hints … yet!
Test your function- for example, using the following code:
test <- LMDataSim2(sample.size=35,xlimits=c(40,120),coefs=c(55,-0.09),sd_coefs=c(-0.2,0.04))
Write a function called “LMVerify_pt2()” for computing how well the coefficients from R’s “lm()” function match the known coefficients of the model used to generate the data. This function should be specified as follows:
Include your function in your submitted r script!
You can use this “sandbox” (below) to test your function!
#simdat <- LMDataSim2(sample.size=1000,xlimits=c(0,10),coefs=c(0,0.5),sd_coefs=c(0,0.2))
LMVerify_pt2 <- function(sim.dataset,trueparams,plot=TRUE){
# [add code here!]
#LMVerify_pt2(sim.dataset = simdat, trueparams = c(0,0.5),plot=FALSE)
Hint: No hints … yet!
Test your function- for example, using the following code:
simdat3 <- LMDataSim2(sample.size=25,xlimits=c(30,120),coefs=c(55,-0.19),sd_coefs=c(-1.4,0.11))
LMVerify_pt2(sim.dataset = simdat3, trueparams = c(55,-0.19),plot=T)
## $trueparams
## [1] 55.00 -0.19
## $fittedparams
## intercept x
## 56.5969857 -0.1920792
## $inside
## [1] TRUE
In your Word document, please answer the following questions:
Is the estimate of the slope parameter (obtained using the ‘lm()’ function) biased? [note: statistical bias of an estimator is the difference between the estimator’s expected value and the true value of the parameter being estimated]. Ideally, an estimator should be unbiased (bias=0). Briefly explain how you got your answer.
Evaluate goodness-of-fit by visualizing the range of data produced by the true model (using a very large sample size) against the prediction interval from the estimated model (generated using the ‘lm()’ function). See the code and figure below for reference. In your Word document, please describe briefly how this figure helps you to evaluate goodness-of-fit (i.e., could your observed data have been generated by the model?) Are there ‘red flags’ that might make you think that the model is not adequate for representing these data? Try to come up with at least one scenario where violation of the heteroskedasticity assumption in linear regression would lead to erroneous inference.
Here is an example of a goodness-of-fit visualization:
## Part 2
simdat_lots <- LMDataSim2(sample.size=10000,xlimits=c(40,120),coefs=c(55,-0.09),sd_coefs=c(-0.3,0.05))
simdat_sample <- LMDataSim2(sample.size=10,xlimits=c(40,120),coefs=c(55,-0.09),sd_coefs=c(-0.3,0.05))
temp <- LMVerify_pt2(sim.dataset = simdat_lots, trueparams = c(55,-0.09),plot=T)
Review the “power analysis” section of the Virtual Ecologist lecture, and complete the following exercises. Recall that we are designing a monitoring program for a population of an at-risk species, and we want to have at least a 75% chance of detecting a decline of 25% or more over a 25 year period. Let’s assume that we are using visual counts, and that the probability of encountering each organism visually is 2% per person-day. The most recent population estimate was 1000 (assume that we know that with certainty).
Develop a function called “GetPower()” that evaluates the statistical power to detect a decline under user-specified types of monitoring designs (e.g., varying numbers of observers, intervals between successive surveys). This function should be specified as follows:
Include your function in your submitted r script!
You can use this “sandbox” (below) to test your function!
GetPower <- function(initabund=1000,nreps=1000,trend=-0.03,years=25,days=3,observers=1,survint=2,alpha=0.05){
# [add code here!]
And we can test our new function using a command like this:
GetPower(survint=3) # test the new function, using mostly the default values
## or
For each variable element of the survey design (survey interval, number of observers, days per survey bout), evaluate how statistical power changes across a range of plausible values. Plot out these relationships. In your Word document, provide ONE of these plots, describe (briefly!) how you produced the plot, and how this information might help managers to develop effective survey protocols for this species.
Let’s factor in dollar amounts. Let’s assume each observer is paid $200 per day. In addition, let’s assume that the site is fairly remote and it costs $2000 to mount a field expedition (regardless of the number of field technicians). Can you identify a survey strategy to minimize cost while meeting the objective??? What is the optimal survey design in your opinion? Briefly describe how you arrived at this conclusion. [NOTE: don’t overthink this one- you don’t need to find the true optimal solution, just find a solution that meets the objective at relatively low cost and justify your answer!]
CONGRATULATIONS! You have reached the end of lab 2!