
Note: this schedule is subject to change. Please check for updates frequently!

Week Lecture 1 Lab Lecture 2 Material Covered Readings
Aug. 28 Course Introduction Lab #1: Programming algorithms in R Algorithms Review syllabus, algorithmic approach to data analysis, basic programming in R Clark Ch. 1; Touchon and McCoy 2016
Sept. 4 No class (labor day) Lab #1: Programming algorithms in R (continued) Algorithms Basic probability calculus, working with probability distributions Bolker ch. 4
Sept. 11 Probability Lab #2: “Virtual Ecologist” Probability Generating data algorithmically, mechanistic models, power analysis, goodness-of-fit testing Bolker Ch. 1, Ch 5.; Zuur et al. 2010 (optional)
Sept. 18 The Virtual Ecologist Lab #2: “Virtual Ecologist” (continued) Likelihood Maximum likelihood estimation Bolker Ch. 6; Hobbs and Hilborn 2006 (optional)
Sept. 25 No class (instructor is away) No lab (instructor is away) No class (instructor is away) (no classes this week) (no classes this week)
Oct. 2 Likelihood Lab #3: Maximum likelihood Likelihood Optimization algorithms for maximum likelihood inference Bolker Ch. 7
Oct. 9 Optimization Lab #3: Maximum likelihood Optimization General introduction to Bayesian theory and application Bolker Ch. 6 and 7 (Bayesian section); Ellison 2004
Oct. 16 Bayesian inference Markdown, GIT tutorials Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Markov-Chain Monte Carlo Bolker Ch. 7 and 8
Oct. 23 Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Lab #4: Bayesian model fitting in JAGS Model selection and multi-model inference Model selection Bolker Ch. 7 and 8
Oct. 30 Model selection and multi-model inference Lab #4: Bayesian model fitting in JAGS (continued) Model validation and performance evaluation Bias-variance tradeoff, cross-validation, assessing predictive accuracy Anderson et al. 2000; Anderson et al. 2001
Nov. 6 TBD TBD TBD TBD Student-assigned reading (TBD)
Nov. 13 student-led lecture/demo student-led “mini labs” student-led lecture/demo Student-led (TBD) Student-assigned reading (TBD)
Nov. 20 student-led lecture/demo student-led “mini labs” No class (thanksgiving holiday) Student-led (TBD) Student-assigned reading (TBD)
Nov. 27 student-led lecture/demo student-led “mini labs” student-led lecture/demo Student-led (TBD) Student-assigned reading (TBD)
Dec. 4 student-led lecture/demo student-led “mini labs” student-led lecture/demo Student-led (TBD) Student-assigned reading (TBD)
Dec. 11 Class wrap-up Last day of class (TBD) No class (prep day) Student-assigned reading (TBD)
Dec. 18 NA (classes over)