Students will work in groups of ~3-4 people to perform a population viability analysis (PVA) to rank conservation or management actions for a species of conservation concern (species of your choice!). Grading will be based on finished products (written and oral presentations) as well as project proposals and written peer reviews.
Remember that the semester will get crazy at the end (including for your instructors). Plan ahead!
Publicly available datasets, potentially for final project…
(many links courtesy Tom Langen) (NOTE: some of these links may not work
anymore- let me know if any of these links is “dead” so I can remove
Google Scholar and Web of Science (access through UNR library services) will likely be your primary tools for finding papers!
International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Redlist (Searchable list of the world’s threatened and endangered plants and animal species on the IUCN Redlist.)
Conservation International Global Biodiversity Hotspots (Detailed data on the attributes and threats to the world’s global biodiversity hotspots.)
National Biological Information Infrastructure (Data archive and clearinghouse for biological data from the US. Also provides standards for metadata.)
Biological Inventories of the World’s Protected Areas (Searchable species occurrence records and species lists for over 1,400 protected areas around the globe.)
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (An enormous clearinghouse of biodiversity data)
Global Population Dynamics Data Base(GPDD) (5000 population size time series for 1400 species, most of which have at least ten years of data. There are data on the natural history of the organism and the location & method of sampling.)
USGS Breeding Bird Survey (Breeding bird survey data back to 1966)
Bird Point Count Database (Depository of bird point-count data from across the US.)
Bird Studies Canada Nature Counts (Bird survey data archive for Canada, includes point counts and many other types of surveys.)
Avian Knowledge Network (Archive of aggregated bird surveys from many organizations and studies across throughout the western hemisphere, including Latin America.)
NatureServe (Data on species of plants and animals in the Western Hemisphere, including detailed range maps)
National Atlas (Geospatial data on the environment, economy, and people of the US).
US Department of Agriculture Census of Agricultural Data (Authoritative data on all aspects of agriculture in the US.)
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Data & Statistics (Comprehensive data on all aspects of disease epidemiology.)
USGS Water Data for the Nation (Hydrological and water-quality data from across the US.)
USGS Survey Disease Maps (US County-scale maps of incidence patterns of various mosquito-vectored diseases)
The Multi-resolution Land Characteristics Consortium (MRLC) National Land Cover Database (Land cover or land use, canopy cover, and impermeable surface area of the entire US, at a resolution of 30 m x 30 m, based on remote sensing data from satellite imagery.)
US Fish & Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory (Wetlands greater than 1 acre are mapped and classified throughout the US, Puerto Rico and US territories. Data can be examined using the Wetland Mapper and then downloaded for use by a GIS application, or can by inspected directly using Google Earth)
USDA Forest Inventory and Analysis National Program Forest Inventory Data Online (FIDO) (Highly-detailed periodic surveys of forest composition at sites throughout the US.)
US Geological Survey (Reports, data analysis, maps, and raw data on a diversity of topics related to environmental science, including biodiversity and emerging diseases.)
NOAA National Climate Data Center (Extensive data archives of climate data, including paleoclimate.)
Ecotrends (Data archive and data visualization tools for ecological data at sites distributed around the US.)
NASA Global Change Master Directory (Data on all aspects of global change, includes data on climate, land use, biodiversity and human dimensions.)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center for Biogeochemical Dynamics(ORNL DAAC) (A NASA-sponsored source for biogeochemical and ecological data and models useful in environmental research.)
Pole to Pole Ecological Research Lattice of Sites (P2ERLS) (Portal to research stations and research networks, including their data archives.)
Weatherspark (Visualized time-series data on local climate at sites around the globe.)
Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network (Network of research stations that have standardized monitoring programs as well as site-specific research. Sites are mandated to make data publicly available on the web.)
Dryad (Data archives for bioscience data from peer-reviewed journal articles from a large consortium of journals)
Ecological Society of America (ESA) Data Registry Archive of ecological and environmental data from ESA publications)
National Center for Ecological Assessment & Synthesis (NCEAS) Data Repository (Data archive of contributed data sets of all types of ecological data.)
NCEAS Scientific Computing Database (Clearinghouse of climatological, geospatial, and other data. Also has shareware software for analysis.)